Tradewinds of Idaho building our custom home in Eagle Idaho. A little customer service thread for your amusement. I thought we were the customer and our concerns are to be heard. Nope! We are scolded for researching other properties and how they are built (with pictures and examples) before outlining the issue with ours. Our soffits were built and we noticed the irregular patterns in each area. We went out and looked at other jobs by other builders and also OUR builder, Tradewinds. None of them looked random like ours. So we sent a text with our concerns. Then, per usual, Leann just slams us in her responses. It's just unbelievable. Read the amazing responses down below the pictures...
Text Thread Sunday Evening 2/6/2022 5:27pm.
Hi all!
Please ignore me today. This is for Monday. As per Amy and I meeting on the lot, the front columns should be as pictured here.
1) Bottom band should be 12”
2) Top band should be 4”
3) Board across top should be around 9”. It’s clear how it should fit. The 9” is just an estimate.
They mocked it up, it seems, but it has craftsman detail that we do not want and is not shown in the picture above. I will post it below.
This is their mock up which is entirely different than the picture they are supposed to be building to. Look at the right hand column
Additionally, the siders seem to be doing a really nice job where there is clear direction on where the board and bat/siding goes as well as the placement. However, the back patio ceiling isn’t symmetric from the center outward on any of the ceilings. We wondered what other jobs looked like (both TW and other builders) and took some pictures to compare. I will send pictures below. Again, just trying to get this done today and don’t expect and communication back today. Thanks everyone!
Our job: The board and bat would look right if it were lined up with the peak of the roof.
Right and left sides of the house don’t match. Also, the left side, both lower and upper levels don’t match.
Note that this is not centered with the window. The right and left sides are not equidistant from the sides
Other jobs: Here is an example of some symmetrical work we saw
It seems like all other projects are done from the center out. Centered from the window to the sides...
In looking at other Tradewinds jobs in Avamor, we saw symmetrically built bats from left to right and centered on the window
Symmetric from left to right and centered on the door
Thanks for taking a look!
Monday Morning February 7, 2022
Leann Arkima:
Good morning, Shelley and Doug, and Happy Monday. Tradewinds is available for your questions Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. Please do not text us outside of those hours, especially on a Sunday, a day of rest. It can all wait until normal business hours. Amy is out of hours, so please do not include her going forward.
I am going to switch to a different email trail at this point. ~ Leann
Hello Leann! I too share your same interest in keeping business to the work week. However, just as TW has reached out asking if I could connect on that rare occasion, over a weekend, I felt a Sunday text was warranted. We have no idea when contractors arrive in the morning to begin working. We felt a little desperate to get out the information sooner rather than later. Thanks for understanding our concerns. We will wait for your reply by email.
Leann Arkima
Hi Shelley: I appreciate the explanation and validate your feelings. However, this all can be handled on Monday, despite your feelings…just hold off until Monday and be patient. Nothing is that important that can’t wait, unless of course your home is burning down, in which case please call the fire department first, and then text us second. 😉.
Also, I’d like to repeat to please NOT talk directly with the siders, which happened again on Friday, or other subs for that matter.
You are to talk/text to Dave or me only…it is for your own good and to avoid much confusion and additional charges.
I’m sure you can understand there has to be a “chain of command.” We are the boss of them, not you. They are just being nice when you approach them and engage them, yet they are not desperate and need direction only from us. Please respect our process…again, it is for your own good.
Happy to clarify as needed. ~ Leann
Thank you,
From: Doug Renner
Sent: Thursday, February 3, 2022 9:03 AM
To: Douglas Renner (
; Shelley Renner
Subject: Tradewinds Text 2022.02.03 Front Door Siding Questions
Good morning all! So, while Doug was visiting our job yesterday, the siding company, on site, asked him if he might know what the measurements should be for the back columns and front pillars. They said nowhere in the plans does it give them what they need to complete the job. The plans provided show the old style front pillars. In my mind, although they weren’t built thinner as shown in the pictures i will provide next, Amy and I envisioned the more simple pillars to go with the front door we chose as drawn and approved by me in BT. Amy, can you provide feedback? Doug, of course, did not help them figure out the column measurements in the back. We assume this will be provided to them by TW. Thanks!
Original pillars with stone
Second version with new pillars drawn up with drafter.
Approved pillars and final door in BT
Doug Renner
It’s not the column measurements exactly. It’s the column trim detail they have questions about. The top and bottom of the columns and how to trim them out.
Shelley Renner
Hi Amy... thank you for your response to me personally to meet on the site. Can we chat here so we are all on the same page?
Amy Oates
I am available to meet at the job site today between 1:00-3:00 today.
Shelley Renner
Any time in there works for me! Thank you so very much Amy. It’s important to get his right.
Leann Arkema
Good morning. Thx for the note and no need to worry. Dave had talked to the siders yesterday. Doug got involved w the crew which we ask you not to do please. The boss knew what was happening and it’s our job to make it right. You may always ask questions to us.
Leann Arkema
Rick is out this week sick and we ask you and Doug to please give him space. Dave is handling and feel free to reach out to me anytime.
Rick gave me Doug’s message.
So Leann, Is there a need for Amy and I to meet on the lot in your opinion? I would like to know which plan for the front pillars Dave is telling the siders to build
Leann Arkema
You are always welcome to meet. And, Dave is using the approved and updated version.
Also Leann, sometimes when we pop in on the job to see progress, there are contractors there who ask us questions. Although we always ask them to connect with TW, I believe yesterday was a different situation. They had been working off their phone since last week to see plans as there were none on site. Just yesterday they were given the plans. They told Doug the plans do not have measurements for the detail of the columns and pillars. He could have offered his advice since they were asking him for it , but he of course did not do this as it is TW job as you say.
Thanks all!
Dave McCarty
They thought Doug was the homeowner general contractor. We gotta get Doug on the books and have him check all my jobs 😉
Sorry about the confusion, they’re construction workers, they have questions, that’s what they do! 😉
Just following up on Leann’s message about Rick. Please wait till at least next week to give him some time. Thank you for your patience and understanding, we all appreciate it
Thank you
The guys on site yesterday seemed desperate for direction on the front and back columns and also what to do on the bottom of the main large back sliding door. They said they spoke to you when you dropped off the plans but no direction was provided. I figured I’d reach out to Rick in case he might be able to drop by and help them.
It sounds like you’re on it now so let’s try to build toward the agreed upon overall design. I think that the front door column detail is still in question as far as specific sizes of wood to do the trim work at the top and bottom of the column. That’s the direction they were looking for. Plus the only plan they had (original elevations) showed stone still on the columns in front.
Doug’s comment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯